Non-Surgical Facelift at
DermalClinic® Edinburgh

Treatment Details
The non-surgical facelift, or Global Approach, is most suitable for the patient presenting at the clinic with advanced facial volume loss combined with a degree of over activity of facial muscles.
As we all age there are many processes that happen especially to our faces which result in us looking older. The skin on our face is exposed to all life has to throw at it, from sun damage to environmental factors as well as emotional stresses, our face shows it all.
As we age our facial anatomy changes with bone re-absorption, midface fat pads volume reduction, the effects of muscle activity leaving us with lines and wrinkles, skin appearing dull and dry, and let's not forget good old gravity!
The goal of the Non Surgical Facelift is to do just what it says. As the face ages, it is not only one specific factor which needs to be addressed in order to restore balance and harmony, it is usually many.
So often a patient will present at the clinic, genuinely concerned about their self image, loss of self esteem and unsure which way to turn. This patient is not necessarily suitable for, or wanting, surgery. They have looked back at older photos and can see that they have aged but can't put their finger on exactly how or why. "It all happened so quickly" is a common statement. This concern should not be underestimated as it can present itself as medical depression, and at dermalclinic® we focus on medical treatment and not just beautification.
Factors such as gravity, loss of elasticity, weight loss/gain, loss of adipose tissue and a generally hectic lifestyle (smoking and drinking alcohol) will all show themselves in some way.
Mid face volume loss occurs as a result of the five facial fat pads moving due to gravity etc. This volume loss is corrected with the injection of 'deep' dermal fillers which will last approximately 18 months. These same dermal fillers can also be used in the chin and jaw area. This treatment is not painful, and will be performed after a tiny injection of local anaesthetic.
We now have the structure in place, and can now focus on augmenting and softly filling lesser lines and folds, to compliment areas of volume loss that we have already addressed.
To reiterate not all areas needing treatment require filling or augmentation, but some areas need to be relaxed and this is done using various treatments.
Each patient is different and needs are very patient specific. Your dermalclinic® practitioner is the specialist and, following a discussion with you to ascertain your objectives, they will explain exactly what YOU need and why.
The benefit of deciding on the Non Surgical Facelift is that you will be receiving a full medical aesthetic facial plan and at a reduced price. You will see the majority of the benefits instantly and the full effects within two weeks. We look forward to shouts of joy, hugs and smiles with you.
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